Archive for August, 2004|Monthly archive page

Practical GnuPG

I started using GnuPG extensively in February 2003, and since March 2003 I’ve been signing almost every piece of email that I send out. One of the reasons it took me so long to get started using cryptography is because I had a hard time finding good explanations of how to do common things, like encrypt files or verify detached signatures on tarballs. So I decided that once I got comfortable using GnuPG, I would start a collection of scribblings explaining how to do things, as I learned how to do them. I’m now going to start making good on that decision. Continue reading


I had a need for a simple script to do HTML-encoding from the command line, so I wrote this simple Perl script. It relies on Gisle AasHTML::Entities module, which many Perl installations will already have (it’s a prerequisite for almost every application that does HTML encoding or URI handling). Continue reading